Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 127 - Great Eight 16 - Hacks Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User)[b].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 Sinclair User
   1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx||||yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzxxxxx||||yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzz{{{{{xx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzz{{{{{
   1 mNow what? 
   1 challenge' set by Jon North?  _  I know... my scroller isn't quite brilliant, but then I don't have an assembler at the moment, so if you're wondering how I wrote MY scrollers, I used DATA statements (easy considering the program size... not large). I wrote a Z80 assembler in BBC Basic recently. Of course, I made use of multi-line functions. Gone green with envy yet? Speaking of functions, try this for conversion to hex (type it in EXACTLY): DEF FN h$(n)=VAL$ ((CHR$ 168+"h$("+STR$ INT (n/16)+")+" AND INT (n/16))+""""+"0123456789ABCDEF"(n-16*INT (n/16)+1)+"""") ...oh and get those multiple quotation marks right - there are two groups of four. Look, I know it works. I wrote it.  _  Rick O'Neill: about your proportional print routine (as used above) - instead of using width and bit-shift data for each character (restricts you to one character set), why didn't you use said data for each data byte (generated by ORing all the bytes making up the character together), shift the character data as indicated, and dump
   1 better than the BBC version'?  _  Hmm. This message seems to get longer every time I look at it!  _  Pity about the European Championships. We all know what went wrong - no unpredictability in the squad such that the opposition could always predict what would be done next. As for the Scots, as usual they left it until they were already out before doing the business.  _  All the other messages have hellos in them. I can't win... really boring bit coming up... Hello to 
   1 ^#V#N#F#~##
   1 Welcome! This is Hacks Amazing, compiled by the Manic Hacker.  _  With any luck, you will see a new improved (and rewritten) Pokemania. You will notice the new improved scroller, the new improved poke selection, the new improved Multiface page... I could go on for ages if I wanted to, but there's no point. The only thing I can't improve is the spelling and punctuation in the scroller - though the spelling has improved noticeably of late. Oh yes. You will have noticed the cylinder scroller above. Graham Mason, have you written that cylinder scroller yet? You know, the 
   1 W S W@S@W`S`W
   1 Utility/Hacks
   1 U Q U@Q@U`Q`U
   1 Sinclair User - Issue 127
   1 NHacks Amazingcompiled by The Manic HackerPress any key to stop thescroller and see the cheats!Number SGN PI !
   1 IIIIRRRR[[[[ddddmmmmvvvv
   1 HaxAmazing
   1 Hacks Amazing (127)
   1 Does your mother know you do this?
   1 Deport' of Liversedge (very Chaotic), a Colley of York and JB - you know who you are. And if you don't, there are some nice white rooms in which you can sit, scribbling on the padded walls with a crayon held between your teeth... no no it isn't to be eaten... Credits list: me (pokes), Leigh Thompson (without Tips Amazing, this would not be called Hacks Amazing), me (scrollers), Rick O'Neill (Expanding Menus), me (loading screen), all those whose pokes I have used, me (the loader), JB (nowt!), me (for being brillant), Deport (ah yes, the gift of sight), me (random screen dump!) and that Colley (frisbee!). Boring bit finished: you can wake up now. Then again, you might as well remain asleep because this message (and the deliberate mistake) repeats!  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  
   1 11211411Zolyx|0|0Infinite lives: 50800,0|0Infinite time: 50477,52
   1 11211411Wizball|0|0Infinite lives: 37052,0|0Immortal: 36795,33  36788,33
   1 11211411Universal Hero|0|0Infinite lives: 38904,190|0Immortal: 38840,24
   1 11211411Treasure Island Dizzy|0|0Cannot drown: 25081,24|0Unharmed by sprites: 60774,24|0Walk through walls: 62242,201|0On the title screen, hold down|0POA and FIRE until Dizzy starts|0moving. Now by pressing C, Dizzy|0will disappear and you can use|0LEFT/RIGHT/K/M to select a|0screen to go to. Once selected,|0press JUMP to continue on that|0screen.
   1 11211411Treasure Island Dizzy (128K patch)|0|0If the game crashes just as you|0complete it, then type in and run|0this program before loading the|0game:|0|010 RESTORE: FOR n=32768 TO 32803:|0READ a: POKE n,a: NEXT n:|0RANDOMIZE USR 32768|0|020 DATA 243,1,253,127,62,3,237,121,|033,237,77,34,253,253,33,0,254,17,|01,254,1,0,1,54,253,237,176,1,253,|0127,62,16,237,121,251,201
   1 11211411Titanic Blinky|0|0Infinite lives: 60735,0|0Infinite energy: 61422,248|061423,255  and enter|0data from address 65528:|062,31,50,0,239,195,48,237
   1 11211411The Sentinel|0|0Infinite energy: 32452,0  32453,24
   1 11211411The Light Corridor|0|0Infinite lives: 40751,0  40754,0
   1 11211411The Great Escape|0|0No prisoners or guards:|050475,201
   1 11211411Tetris|0|0Activate cheat:|0(128K)  26541,40  33138,58|0(48K)  33116,58|0(TruVid=pause, InvVid=change next)|0|0If the BASIC bit doesn't contain|0USR 65088 then you can put the|0pokes in just before the USR.|0Otherwise, also poke 39999,33|0(The 128K version will work on|0a 48K Spectrum, though it will|0be silent)
   1 11211411Tai Chi Tortoise|0|0Infinite shurikens: 28342,0|0Infinite lives: 65121,0|0Immortal: 51560,0  56878,0|0(Warning: this will cause the game|0to crash if you stray outside the|08*8 map!)|0It may also help to poke these|0addresses with 71:|036064 36066 36068 36069 36071|036096 36098 36100 36101 36103
   1 11211411Sweevo's World|0|0Infinite lives: 33195,167  33122,0|033123,0  33124,0|0Infinite energy: 33599,0  33600,24
   1 11211411Strider|0|0Infinite time: 39679,0|0Infinite lives: 39953,0|0Infinite energy: 39902,201
   1 11211411Spike in Transylvania|0|0Infinite lives: 30981,0|0Infinite energy: 38027,58
   1 11211411Spellbound Dizzy|0|0Infinite lives: 51291,0|0Show up walls etc.:|051983,71  51985,0|0|0128K cheat mode on/off: on|0the title screens, type|0IWANTANOMLETTE|0and the border will flash.|0In the game, press C to|0activate, SPACE to return,|0and do not press 1!
   1 11211411Solomon's Key|0|0Infinite time: 37995,0|0Infinite lives: 49344,183|0Immortal: 49334,201|0Infinite fireballs: 50830,0  50831,0
   1 11211411Slightly Magic|0|0Infinite lives: 40975,0|0Infinite magic: 40921,201|0Immortal: 44456,200
   1 11211411Rollaround|0|0Infinite lives: 30900,175
   1 11211411Revolution|0|0Infinite lives: 35652,182
   1 11211411Rainbow Islands|0|0Infinite lives: 65110,0  65111,195
   1 11211411Puzznic|0|0Type HELPME on the Retry menu:|0this gives infinite retries;|0BREAK will pause the game,|0SPACE to resume; press keys|0BTR to jump to the next level.
   1 11211411Popeye|0|0Infinite spinach:|030057,195  26245,0
   1 11211411Plotting|0|0Infinite lives: 38345,183
   1 11211411Piromania|0|0Infinite water: 32822,0|0Infinite foam: 32928,0|0If you are killed by|0falling, press DOWN quickly.
   1 11211411Pang|0|0Infinite lives:|0P1: 35437,0  P2: 35469,0|0Immortal:|0P1: 24968,36  24969,133|0P2: 24970,36  24971,133|0Use ONLY when game is paused!|0|0To skip levels: on level 1-1,|0pause, and immediately unpause,|0the game when the timer reads|01:20. The end-of-level sequence|0should then occur. This can then|0be repeated at any time on any|0level.
   1 11211411Operation Thunderbolt (disk)|0|0For both player 1 and player 2|0Infinite energy: 42857,167|042917,167  43245,167|0Infinite grenades: 42332,0|0Infinite bullets: 42515,0
   1 11211411Nonterraqueous|0|0To get rid of the photon|0thrusters, insert BRIGHT 1|0into line 2 of the loader
   1 11211411New Zealand Story|0|0Immortal: 50000,0|0or (flying) enter data|0from address 49999: 62,1,|050,170,92,195,188,196|0No enemy: 51732,201|0|0Type FLUFFY on title page|0for infinite lives; then|0type PHILLIP for lasers.
   1 11211411Myth|0|0Infinite credits: 62045,0
   1 11211411Monty on the Run|0|0Infinite lives: 34716,24|0Immortal: 34445,201  36765,201|039504,0  (not C5)
   1 11211411Monty Python's Flying Circus|0|0Pause the game (press H), hold|0down C, DOWN and LEFT, press H|0again, wait a fraction of a|0second and you will have nine|0lives, though this is not|0displayed immediately.
   1 11211411Mercenary|0|0All doors unlocked: 60288,58
   1 11211411Magicland Dizzy|0|0Infinite lives: 29623,0  29624,195|0Tune cont. when killed: 29611,58|0Walk through walls: 41179,201|0Double speed: 40536,1|0An interesting set of pokes:|0(enter data from given addresses)|065377: 205,4,64|016388: 245,62,247,219,254,31,56,|08,58,39,157,238,1,50,39,|0157,241,202,84,158|0Press 1 while playing and see|0what happens! (reusable)
   1 11211411Loopz|0|0Game C: Your loop need not|0match the original perfectly,|0as long as it uses all the|0available pieces. If you mess|0it up, either place all the|0pieces haphazard or make a|0small loop - either way you|0don't lose a life.
   1 11211411Lightforce|0|0Immortal: enter|0this data from|0address 39552:|0175,50,127,181,194
   1 11211411Klax|0|0Infinite credits: 39143,0|0n credits: 48790,n|0Infinite drops: 38969,55
   1 11211411Jet Set Willy 2|0|0Infinite lives: 30019,0|0n objects required: 34686,n|0Start at room m (0 to 134): 30027,m|0Immune to sprites: 32261,201|0Immortal: 31224,201
   1 11211411Jack the Nipper 2|0|0Infinite lives: 34337,175|0Immortal: 41228,175
   1 11211411Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade|0|0Infinite lives: 43076,0|0Infinite energy: 40290,167|0|0Hold down DOT on title screen|0(border will turn red for a|0second), then use CAPS and the|0following keys: 1=restart level;|02=jump to next restart point;|03=jump to next level.
   1 11211411Impossible Mission|0|0Immune to robots: 44988,0
   1 11211411Impossible Mission 2|0|0Immune to robots: 57361,0|0No time penalties: 36853,0|036854,0  36855,0
   1 11211411Impossamole|0|0Infinite energy: 53427,201  63028,201|0Or pause game (H), hold down C and|0UP while pressing H again for|0maximum energy.
   1 11211411Impossaball|0|0Infinite lives: 41185,0|0Infinite time: 37711,58
   1 11211411I, Ball 2|0|0Infinite lives: 45392,0|0Immortal: enter this data|0from address 43607:|062,254,219,254,31,210|0(press CAPS to restart level)
   1 11211411Hyperlane+|0|0Infinite lives: 48938,182
   1 11211411Hydrofool|0|0Infinite oil: 25859,201
   1 11211411Heartland|0|0Infinite time: 24842,58|0Infinite energy: 24845,58
   1 11211411Head over Heels|0|0Immortal: 41841,0  41842,0  41843,34|041844,25  41848,33  41851,33
   1 11211411Halls of the Things|0|0Immortal: 32717,0
   1 11211411H.E.R.O.|0|0Infinite lives: 44521,0  44522,254|0Immortal: 53534,0
   1 11211411Gutz|0|0Infinite energy: 47265,167
   1 11211411Ghosts 'n' Goblins|0|0Immortal: 39857,135  39858,50|039859,180  39860,191|0Infinite lives: 36056,0
   1 11211411Gauntlet|0|0Infinite health: 46908,0  46909,91|0& enter this data from address|023296: 197,62,153,119,1,32,0,9,119,1,|0224,255,9,193,195,199,183|0|0Hold down SYMBOL SHIFT to walk|0through walls
   1 11211411Garfield|0|0Infinite sleep: 45335,201|0Infinite energy: 33595,0|0|0Hold down GARFIELD on title page,|0then CAPS+combination of numbers 1|0to 6 and Y to change location.
   1 11211411Fox Fights Back|0|0Infinite energy: 49600,195|0Infinite lives: 48071,0
   1 11211411Firelord|0|0Infinite lives: 36716,0|0Infinite energy, ammo,|0trading time: 36781,0|0No trials: 39771,0
   1 11211411Everyone's a Wally|0|0Infinite energy: 33201,58|0Other characters remain stationary:|033201,58
   1 11211411Dynamite Dan|0|0Infinite lives: 52678,0  57035,0
   1 11211411Dynamite Dan 2|0|0Infinite energy: 29002,0  29003,24|0Move l/r while falling: 31622,66|0No water: 27675,32  27678,4|0No enemy: 23844,58
   1 11211411Driller|0|0Infinite energy: 46828,0|0Infinite shields:|048007,0  47064,0|0Infinite time: 46476,0
   1 11211411Dizzy|0|0Immortal: 54217,58|0Walk through walls: 60137,201
   1 11211411Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk|0|0Infinite lives: 30890,0|0Show up walls, etc.:|037240,0  37241,0|0Double speed: 39053,1
   1 11211411Crosswize|0|0Infinite lives (player 1):|028946,196  28947,7|0Infinite energy: 52129,0
   1 11211411Continental Circus|0|0Can't be overtaken: 36766,61|0Infinite CONTINUEs: 42858,33|0Infinite time: 35207,214  35208,0
   1 11211411Ceasefire|0|0Infinite energy:|0enter this data from address|048647: 62,32,50,228,91,0,0
   1 11211411Cauldron 2|0|0Infinite lives: 52974,0
   1 11211411CJ in the USA|0|0Infinite lives:|042230,183  42232,195|0Immortal:|053887,195  54567,195
   1 11211411Bubble Dizzy|0|0Infinite lives: 43232,0|0Infinite oxygen:|0enter this data from|0address 48830: 245,62,39,|050,198,168,241,237,77
   1 11211411Bubble Bobble|0|0Level n: 34313,n|0Immortal: 43835,150  43836,195|0|0+2A/+3 owners may need to patch|0the game when loading in 128K|0mode: if you find that it crashes|0shortly after the controls have|0been selected, then, during|0control selection, poke 23399,4
   1 11211411Bedlam|0|0Infinite lives: 58691,0|059430,0  59972,0  60069,0|0Balls don't move: 30037,0
   1 11211411Batman (3D)|0|0Infinite everything,|0immortality:|031690,0
   1 11211411Automania|0|0Immortal: 64675,201
   1 11211411Auf Wiedersehen Monty|0|0Walk through walls: 35593,0|0Climb anywhere: 35687,0  35565,0|0Antigravity: 35470,0|0Crushers harmless: 47715,201|0Infinite lives: 41177,24|0Machine gun cheat: 23296,0|0(or load with LOAD "": REM MONTY )
   1 11211411Arkanoid|0|0Infinite lives: 33787,0|0Level n: 38249,n|0|0Type in PBRAIN on hi-score table
   1 11211411Arkanoid 2|0|0Infinite lives: 37484,0  37485,195|0|0Type in MAAAAH on hi-score table
   1 11211411Android 2|0|0Infinite lives:|052249,24  52250,32  52251,0
   1 11211411Alien Highway|0|0Infinite energy: 39411,201
   1 11211411Adidas Championship Football|0|0Opposition cannot score: 49291,0
   1 11211411720|0|0Infinite time: 41918,0|0Infinite money: 40360,0|0Infinite tickets: 37357,0|0Infinite lives: 40774,0
   1 11211401Pixy the Microdot 2|0|0Infinite lives: 28402,0|0Infinite energy: 26979,24|0Nasties can't kill: 28366,24
   1 08608400Exit to BASIC:|0Sure?|0|2No|2Yes
   1 05805611Information|0|0# Multiface poke|0@ Basic poke|0* Tips|0|0More than one symbol may appear|0|0Sam Coupe: add 65536 to address
   1 05805611Hacks Amazing|0by the Manic Hacker|0
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2The Light Corridor #|2The Sentinel #|2Titanic Blinky #|2Treasure Island Dizzy *#|2T.I.Dizzy (128K patch) @|2Universal Hero #|2Wizball #|2Zolyx #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Solomon's Key #|2Spellbound Dizzy *#|2Spike in Transylvania @#|2Strider #|2Sweevo's World @#|2T'ai Chi Tortoise #|2Tetris @#|2The Great Escape #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Rerun program|2Exit to BASIC|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Pixy the Microdot 2 #|2Plotting #|2Popeye #|2Puzznic *|2Rainbow Islands #|2Revolution #|2Rollaround #|2Slightly Magic #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Monty on the Run #|2Monty Python's Flying Circus *|2Myth #|2New Zealand Story *#|2Nonterraqueous @|2Operation Thunderbolt (disk) #|2Pang *#|2Piromania #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade *#|2Jack the Nipper 2 @#|2Jet Set Willy 2 #|2Klax #|2Lightforce #|2Loopz *|2Magicland Dizzy #|2Mercenary #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2H.E.R.O. #|2Hydrofool #|2Hyperlane+ #|2I, Ball 2 #|2Impossaball #|2Impossamole *#|2Impossible Mission #|2Impossible Mission 2 #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Fox Fights Back #|2Garfield *#|2Gauntlet #|2Ghosts 'n' Goblins #|2Gutz #|2Halls of the Things #|2Head over Heels #|2Heartland #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Crosswize #|2Dizzy #|2Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk #|2Driller #|2Dynamite Dan #|2Dynamite Dan 2 #|2Everyone's a Wally #|2Firelord #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2Batman (3D) #|2Bedlam #|2Bubble Bobble *#|2Bubble Dizzy #|2Cauldron 2 #|2Ceasefire #|2CJ in the USA #|2Continental Circus #|0|2<back>
   1 05805601Hacks Amazing|0|2<next>|0|2720 #|2Adidas Championship Football #|2Alien Highway #|2Android 2 #|2Arkanoid *#|2Arkanoid 2 *#|2Auf Wiedersehen Monty *#|2Automania #|0|2<back>
   1 0(((0(( ((0((( 
   1 )))))))))))))))
   1 (((((((((((
   1 "hacmsg.1"
   1 !TZXed by Andrew Barker 05-08-1999
   1  version, judging by that screenshot). I've seen a Lemmings demo on the Archimedes (BAU readers will know about it) and it's excellent, though obviously more colourful than the Speccy version (which I have transferred, entirely, to disk: 42K of program and only 493K of data), but not as colourful as it might be, since the graphics appear to have been ported from the 16-bit versions. And for all you 16-bitters reading this... Tetris! Of course you can have too much colour... Anybody who knows an ST owner with a copy of Exile: yes that's another BBC game that made it to another computer. Just like Elite, Repton, Repton 2, Repton 3... Speaking of Elite, of course the BBC version is better (ignoring the Arc version). What do you expect when a version written for a 16-bit machine is rejected as 
   1  Go away !! 
   1  1992 The Manic Hacker...!  
   1  1992 Sinclair User|0|0Rick's Expanding Menus|0by Rick O'Neill|0
   1  1991 Pointy Stick Productions|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose/continue
   1  ( ((((((((((((((0(((((((((0((( ( (